horror story -1

horror story -1


horror story-1

With the new workplace, I had to come to an unfamiliar area. Dear friends anyway?
With help, I found a boarding house in a convenient location to work. There was another brother in that room who went to the next tech. It was good because he had a bike. I had to sing on the bus. It takes twenty to twenty five minutes to get off the bus and walk to the former boarding school if you come from the road. If he escapes from a garden in the middle, he will go for a maximum of ten minutes.
In the morning, the food is taken to Malli Handi. We have to walk in the evening. Our boarding house was not on the side of the village houses, but on the other side. That's why there are few people who come to this side. As usual, I got off the bus at half past six. My aunt and son who got off with me were on the other side of the road? The footpath continued. I also looked to see if he was going on the road or jumping from the garden. I decided to jump from the garden because it was not quite dark yet and I was feeling hungry. As you continue along the road, you will find that garden. It is a rubber plantation. Kasun Malli said that some of the trees had rubber cut marks because this was an abandoned garden.
However, the footpath had been formed.
Someone had lit the street lamp at the beginning of the garden. It was also on fire. Because of the sound of the people and the sound of an owl coming from that corner, I put the two hands free on my ears because I felt a little nervous. After about a hundred meters, the orange sun went down and it became so black that you could barely see shadows. In the far distance, the lights flashed and lit up. I was watching with my mouth open as the lights in the row went out one by one. After a while, they burst into flames again.
Then I saw the girl walking in front of me. Even though I was wearing a yellow dress because it was torn from all sides and the pieces of fabric were flying in the wind. When I bent my hair and bent forward, I realized that something was wrong. That's why I quickened my step and came a little closer. I didn't even know if it was a sister or a sister, so I called myself a sister.
As soon as he heard that, he stopped there. When I pressed my face, my face was covered with all my hair.
"Why are you out here alone? Did something bother you?"
He was staring at the ground without saying a word. I thought maybe I had enough to say.
"I'll drive you home if you want"
Then he turned to me. The bottom of the dress was covered in blood. Drops of blood fell to the ground along the dress which was a trench below the knife. When I saw the blood flowing down the legs falling on the grass and flowing from the low places, I felt like Kalante seeing the way this boy was standing until so much blood. Konde, who had not seen his face for so long, pushed him back with his hands. The pale face was red in places where the teeth were. The blood that burst out of the lips was coagulated below the lip. When I saw that, my legs jumped back before me. Even if I wanted to scream, the words were too tight to come out of my mouth.
That girl was a step ahead to come near me. I did the same and got ready to run. No matter how much I tried to run, when I realized that my legs were frozen, I was dragged there and fell. When I fell, the phone was thrown to the side. I stretched out my hand and tried to take it. Just then, that girl jumped on my stomach and started squeezing my neck with Era's hands. I tried to remove his hand as hard as I could. When I felt that those hands were so cold, I felt my breath getting choked and my head getting cold. I threw that girl as far away as I could with the strength that came from where. I coughed while touching my chest because he was holding me so tightly. With difficulty, I got up and ran away. But I realized that my legs were back and that someone was behind me. I breathed through my mouth because of the stench behind me. But I didn't have enough guts to look back.
Suddenly, I felt two cold hands coming from my neck and squeezing my neck again. All I did was bend backwards as hard as I could. After that, I turned the other way, but there were no people behind me. The whole environment was silent. No, just the sound. I found my bag in the light and quickly walked away from there. I hit my hand somewhere and my hand also bled. But after a short distance I realized that there was another sound of footsteps coming from behind me. I stopped there and looked back as fast as I could. But when I couldn't see anyone, I immediately sighed. My shirt was completely wet from the sweat running down my back. Drops of sweat falling near the ear trickled down the face and fell on the neck. Making sure that there was no one back, I turned around. But that girl was right in front of my face.
That girl pushed me to the ground with a loud hiss. At the same time, I screamed as loud as I could. I finally realized that it had become a joke. That girl, who snorted again, bent down again and put her hands on my neck.
"You guys are all the same." That girl whispered that I will take revenge on all of you. Then I saw the blood falling from the girl's mouth on my shirt. Along with that blood, saliva also fell on my body. I wanted to vomit because of the pain I felt, but I couldn't even move because that girl was tightening my neck. I couldn't even move my arms and legs to get rid of him. A little bit

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